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Lehigh Community Services Pantry is open for food distribution Monday and Wednesday each week from 9:00 am – 11:00 am by appointment only.

Call 1-239-369-5919

Please bring your photo id, proof of Lehigh Acres address and a list of all individuals in your household, their birthdates & relationship. This service is limited to once every 30 days.​ This institution is an equal opportunity provider


La despensa de servicios comunitarios de Lehigh está abierta para la distribución de alimentos los lunes y miércoles de cada semana de 9:00 am – 11:00 am. Llame al 1-239-369-5919

Traiga su identificación con foto, comprobante de la dirección de Lehigh Acres y una lista de todas las personas en su hogar con sus fechas de nacimiento y la relacion de esas personas con usted.


Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

The United Way VITA program provides FREE tax return preparation for taxpayers with household incomes of less than $66,000.  IRS VITA return preparation sites are operated by certified Volunteers who are passionate about taxes and are trained to do basic returns.


SNAP & Medicaid Application

Lehigh Community Services is a local community partner that helps the Department of Children and Families provide services to Florida families. Lehigh Community Services will assist with applying for food assistance (SNAP) or Medicaid

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Utility Assistance

Lehigh Community Services is a United Way Partner Agency, offering limited financial assistance for people needing food and help with water and electric bills. (when funds are available).

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Lehigh Literacy – English as a Second Language classes

Interested individuals can schedule a simple assessment by calling (239) 369-5818. This assessment allows for the placement in the correct level of instruction.

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Back to School

Our Back to School event where we give out backpacks and school supplies.


Holiday Food Programs


Registered families receive a bag of non-perishable food items to prepare the traditional holiday meal and a gift card to purchase meat of their choice.



​Registered senior citizens (those 60 and over) are invited to the annual Christmas party and receive a bag of non-perishable food items to prepare holiday meal and a gift card to purchase meat of their choice.


​LCS Partner Services

We partner with other area organizations to help serve our community. Some partners include Meals on Wheels food delivery for home bound, Healthy Start diapers, Dubin Center Dementia support group, and more. 

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